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Interested In Being a Fire Explorer?

Welcome to the Fire Department's website! We're excited to introduce you to our Fire Explorers program, a fantastic opportunity for young individuals who have a passion for firefighting and emergency services. If you dream of becoming a firefighter, this program is the perfect stepping stone to help you achieve that goal.

What are Fire Explorers?

Fire Explorers are young adults between the ages of 14 and 21 who participate in a hands-on, educational program designed to expose them to the world of firefighting and emergency services. This program is run by the Newberry Springs Fire Department and is affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America's Learning for Life program.

Goals of the Fire Explorers Program:

  1. Education and Training: Fire Explorers gain insight into the fire service profession through various training exercises and educational workshops. They learn about fire behavior, emergency medical services, hazardous materials response, and other crucial aspects of firefighting.
  2. Leadership Development: We strive to foster leadership skills in our Fire Explorers. They have opportunities to take on leadership roles during drills and other activities, helping them build confidence and teamwork abilities.
  3. Community Service: Our Fire Explorers actively participate in community service events. Whether it's helping with public safety awareness campaigns, supporting local charities, or assisting at community events, they play a vital role in giving back to the community.
  4. Career Exposure: Fire Explorers get the chance to interact with professional firefighters and EMS personnel. This exposure provides valuable insights into the daily life of a firefighter, which can help them make informed decisions about their future career paths.

What Fire Explorers Do:

  1. Drills and Training: Fire Explorers engage in regular drills, where they learn firefighting techniques, practice using equipment, and simulate emergency scenarios. Safety is always a top priority during these activities.
  2. Ride-Alongs: Depending on local regulations and guidelines, Fire Explorers may have the opportunity to accompany firefighters on real emergency calls. This firsthand experience allows them to witness the challenges and rewards of firefighting up close.
  3. Competitions: Fire Explorers often participate in regional and national competitions where they can showcase their skills and knowledge, and learn from other explorers across the country.
  4. Community Events: Fire Explorers actively participate in community events, providing fire safety demonstrations and assisting the public during public gatherings.

How to Join:

Call Fire Chief Lanier at (760) 308 - 3448

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